Serving the following Pennsylvania counties: Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Indiana, Juniata, Mifflin, and Somerset

AmeriCorps Seniors/RSVP

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About the AmeriCorps Seniors Program

Center for Community Action is the sponsor agency for the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Blair and Huntingdon counties.

RSVP is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people age 55 and over. Through RSVP, older adults use the skills and talents they have learned over their lifetime and have opportunities to develop new ones while serving in a variety of volunteer activities within their community.

Becoming an AmeriCorps Seniors volunteer serving in RSVP of Blair and Huntingdon counties is a free and simple process. AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers choose how, where, and how often they want to serve. Local nonprofit organizations in Blair and Huntingdon counties partner with RSVP to provide a variety of volunteer opportunities. They include Huntingdon Meals on Wheels, Blair Senior Services, Inc., and the James E. Van Zandt VA Medical Center, just to name a few. AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers receive pre-service orientation and training from RSVP and the organization where they will serve. They do not receive monetary incentives but do receive benefits such as 3 types of supplemental insurance (accident, automobile liability and person liability) while on duty, inclusion in recognition events and mileage reimbursement as the budget permits.

Funding for RSVP is provided through the Corporation for National and Community Service.

Looking for More Information?

Please call our RSVP Project Coordinator at (814) 643-4202, or toll-free at (800) 323-9997 to find out more information or to become enrolled as an AmericCorps Senior Volunteer serving in RSVP.  Additionally, you can submit an online inquiry by clicking here.

RSVP Newsletters

Testimonials from AmeriCorps Seniors:


Pat G. - assisting with client services through Garvey Manor

"I look forward to doing something each day and there is always a need for help. Right now, I am a telephone buddy making calls to Garvey residents to help keep them connected. But I think I benefit the most because I gain new friends and learn new things."


Bertie & Elwood K. - delivering meals through Huntingdon Meals on Wheels

"We deliver meals that other volunteers have prepared. We do this to help those who can't do it for themselves. It makes us feel good to help others."


Rene H. - assisting with client services through Altoona Food Bank

"I love volunteering at Altoona Food Bank because I am giving back for all I have received in my life. I'm doing the work of the Lord, and it is a joy to work with all the volunteers and clients."


David F. - dispatching/driving DAV vans through James E. VanZandt VA Medical Center

"I volunteer in support of the Huntingdon County veterans and the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) transportation service. Each day I see how critical this service is an wonder what service veterans would use to get to medical appointments if the DAV service did not have the dedicated volunteers to provide it. Veterans deserve this service, and I will contiue to coordinate and drive as much as I can."

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