Serving the following Pennsylvania counties: Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Indiana, Juniata, Mifflin, and Somerset

Our Departments

What we offer

Below is a full list of the programs we provide. You can filter and search for better results.

Early Learning Resource Center

Early Learning Resource Center


Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, and Somerset counties.

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Employment and Training

Employment and Training

EARN, HiSET, GED, and Adult Literacy.

Bedford, Blair, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, and Mifflin Counties.

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Housing and Weatherization

Housing and Weatherization

GPU WARM (PLUS) (Multi-Fam.), West Penn Power WARM (PLUS), First Energy, WX, Housing Rehab

Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Fulton, Somerset Counties.

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Human Services

Human Services

Get assistance with rent, utilities, homelessness, medical transportation, buying a house, and food.

Adams, Bedford, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Mifflin, and Juniata counties.

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Medical Assistance Transportation

Medical Assistance Transportation


The Medical Assistance Transportation Program ("MATP") is available to any Medical Assistance consumer who needs help with non-emergency transportation to and from health care services or treatments.

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Americorps Seniors

Americorps Seniors

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program

On this page you will learn about the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program.

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Raystown Village Apartments

Raystown Village Apartments

Everett PA

The Raystown Village Apartments are located in Everett, Pennsylvania and provides HUD Section 8 subsidized housing for individuals age 62 and older and/or individuals living with a disability.

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